Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Burns Night and an Ode to Haggis

In honor of Robert Burns night (January 25th), I have decided to post his "Address to a Haggis" or "Ode to Haggis," which is currently being recited over haggis dinners across the world.  Unfortunately I am stuck at work, so I cannot celebrate my Scottish heritage with the rest of my family this evening; however, I will hopefully be attending a traditional "Burns Supper" this weekend.  If I can't do that, then I shall drink a ton of scotch whiskey whilst staring longingly at a picture of a haggis. Here is a link to a website that describes what haggis is (if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it), who Robert Burns is, the original "Address to a Haggis," and finally, the translated version of the poem for any who may not understand "Scottish."

I think it goes without saying why I find this ode worthy...

<3 always,

Saturday, January 22, 2011


This is just an addition to my last post.  I had a hard time finding a good website for E.E. Cummings, but this site has quite a few of his poems and a brief biography.  Just be careful when you click the link because a bunch of stupid ads for 100$ hotel rooms in St. Lucia will pop up and probably cause your computer to explode into bits while simultaneously draining your bank account if you accidentally click on one...what was I saying now?  Oh yes, read more Cummings if you haven't already, and even if you have, read him some more because if will make your day a hundred times better.

<3 always

Literary Love

Ok, so...first blog post here.  I always feel like my favorite author is whichever author I've read last.  As far as fiction goes, I think Sherwood Anderson is my current favorite.  I was introduced to him last semester in my Modern American Literature class and I absolutely adored him.  He doesn't really have a website, but here is his Wikipedia page for some background info.

Chuck Palahniuk has been one of my favorite contemporary authors since high school; I've read all of his books, (excluding the most recent one) and though the quality of his writing seems to decrease over time, he wrote Fight Club so I will always love him for that.  His short story, "Guts" is a great introduction if you haven't read him before.

My favorite poet is, without a doubt, E.E. Cummings.  I'm sure most people have read him, but if you haven't, his poem "i carry your heart with me" is absolutely beautiful, and it also goes along with the whole "praise poems" theme.

I know we were supposed to avoid music for the most part, but in naming my blog, I got into a serious "Smiths" mood.  If you haven't heard of them here is a link to their music video for "There is a light that never goes out," a truly touching song.  My favorite lines... "And if a double decker bus crashes in to us, to die by your side, what a heavenly way to die.  And if a ten ton truck, kills the both of us, to die by your side, well the pleasure, the privilege is mine," they always get me...

Hopefully I'm able to introduce somebody in the class to something new with this post!  Enjoy guys, I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

<3 always,