Monday, February 14, 2011

A Love Poem

In honor of Valentine's Day, here is a love poem I've drafted for my poetry writing seminar.

I had too much to drink.
I lost count at the tenth buttery nipple.
Emerald's Corner,
floors covered with
years of spilled beer and ranch dressing
grab at sneaker soles,
they grab harder at knees and elbows.
After I blacked out,
you held my weight,
all one hundred forty pounds.
I made it out without a scratch--
woke up the next morning
in a puddle of cold piss.

I squeeze my eyes shut,
hoping I'm dreaming.
The stench of ammonia
tells me this is real.
I roll over quietly--
please please please
don't wake up--
but there you are.
honey colored,
eyes wide open,
covered in my drunk piss,

<3 always,

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