Monday, February 21, 2011


The five most important stories to tell:
the story of my parents before my birth
the story of my childhood
the story of my relationship/a first relationship/abuse
a story about psychiatric disease
a story about finding passion in an unexpected place

Stories from the past three days:
Rooney, the drunk who always gets a yogurt covered cupcake
My lit teacher's freakout last week
How Kristine finally fired the girl who stole 30 bucks from the register
The story about the crazy kid's obsession with the poem shaped like a hand
The time the homeless guy shit all over the bathroom walls at work and Alex had to clean it
The story about Alex hating his new job
The history of the Italian mafia
The history of Jersey Mike's sub shop
The story of my aunt's abusive ex-husband
The storybod my cousins from Westfield and how they taught me all the things my parents tried to hide about the world

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