Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Revision Post

For me, revision is incredibly important. I am the kind of person that writes without stopping or correcting for my first draft, so I could never get away without revising. I like to get all my thoughts recorded before they disappear, so usually, my first draft is a huge mess that doesn't even resemble a story. From there, I pick out the pearls, line them up, and fill in all the space in between.
When I revise, I usually make major changes. I know most people just fix the grammatical errors and restructure awkward sentences, but I believe that revision should be greater. So no matter how good I think my story or essay is, I always try to play around with the plot and rework the major ideas. Sometimes I end up going back to how I had things originally, but that reworking at least gives me a chance to see other ways of telling the story. I even get ideas for new stories while I am revising once in a while. Overall, I think revision is a completely necessary step in crafting a functional story.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Here are two new poems, written for another class. I figured it couldn't hurt to send them off into the world. Maybe somebody will be kind enough to offer some feedback so I can improve them.


Malt-scented Edinburgh is perched within me,
forever calling for me to return. "Why did you leave me?"
She cries from the moors.
"You belong here," she sings from the top of Arthur's Seat.
The clock made from purple heather and yellow and white roses
counts the minutes in the Edinburgh gardens until I am back again.
Greyfriars Bobby has abandoned his master,
and now waits for me to come home.


Everything is lit up
bright white
into everything else.
I can't tell
where one thing ends
and another begins,
no matter how hard
I strain.
Two rooms over,
my cat jumps off the couch.
Twin Towers
crashing to the ground.
I scream
in agony.
The pain is too much.
Another paroxysm of nausea
sends saltine crackers,
and sour, frothy, green bile
across white bed sheets.

Hope you guys enjoy, or are at least mildly entertained for a few minutes.

<3 always,


Spring is here, and it is snowing. How poetic.