Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another Revision Post

For me, revision is incredibly important. I am the kind of person that writes without stopping or correcting for my first draft, so I could never get away without revising. I like to get all my thoughts recorded before they disappear, so usually, my first draft is a huge mess that doesn't even resemble a story. From there, I pick out the pearls, line them up, and fill in all the space in between.
When I revise, I usually make major changes. I know most people just fix the grammatical errors and restructure awkward sentences, but I believe that revision should be greater. So no matter how good I think my story or essay is, I always try to play around with the plot and rework the major ideas. Sometimes I end up going back to how I had things originally, but that reworking at least gives me a chance to see other ways of telling the story. I even get ideas for new stories while I am revising once in a while. Overall, I think revision is a completely necessary step in crafting a functional story.

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