Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Expansion and revision

Better late than never!

When revising my longer works, I try to move entire paragraphs, sections of dialogue and plot points around in the story to see if approaching things in a completely different way can make the story any better. Sometimes I end up leaving everything how it was to begin with, but quite often I end up making major changes to the story. This helps keep the writing process interesting for me, because it is almost as if I am working on a completely different piece. It also helps to make the story flow better and make more sense (most of the time).

As far as expansion goes, I usually tend to expand on characters' back stories more than anything else. I find that once you have the major plot points that you want to hit written, it can help tie everything together to get some insight into why the characters are where they are. In my most recent story, my main female character is suffering from an unknown chronic illness, and her boyfriend has to take care of her. After a particularly graphic vomitting scene, I added in a section about how the girl was when the boy met her to make his attraction to her more believeable. Before I added this section their relationship didn't make much sense.

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